Promoting Peace, Beauty and Well-Being
Come Visit and quiet your mind...
Located in Downtown Claremont, California, Buddhamouse Emporium is a peaceful haven that offers a wide range of ritual objects, spiritual statuary, inspirational books, artistic creations, and unique jewelry.
The Roots of Well-Being
Meditation & Ethical Action
When cultivating a strong sense of well-being, it helps to know that caring for self and others is essential. Meditation and mindfulness practice facilitates this understanding as well as promotes bodily health...
Nature & the Physical Cosmos
Sacred Geometry and the nature of our universe are interlinked at a quantum level: crystals, plants, our own bodies, and the spirals of the galaxies are all creations of patterns and forms from the Source...
Working with Energy
Everything in our physical and non-physical world is energy; energy that vibrates or resonates at different frequencies. Working with energy helps to connect us to our origins of self…
Buddhamouse Store Tour Video and Photos